Advocatus Diaboli

Playing Devil's Advocate often, but not always. Currently located in Metro Manila, Republic of the Philippines

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Quotations for such times

Dear Friend,

During these times of political fluidity I remember two quotes and a fable about revolutions and the change of government. The first comes from Historians Will and Ariel Durant's book "The Lessons of History".

"The only real revolution is in the enlightenment of the mind and the improvement of character, the only real emancipation is individual, and the only real revolutionaries are philosophers and saints."

The next quotation comes from Ambrose Bierce's satirical work "The Devil's Dictionary",

"REVOLUTION, n. In politics, an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment. . . . the substitution of the rule of an Administration for that of a Ministry, whereby the welfare and happiness of the people were advanced a full half-inch."

And the last comes from George Orwell's fable "Animal Farm". In the tale the animals liberate themselves from their human oppressors and begin to build an equitable society. They set-up the basic laws of their society:

1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
3. No animal shall wear clothes.
4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.
5. No animal shall drink alcohol.
6. No animal shall kill any other animal.
7. All animals are equal.

In due time things changes slowly. Their leaders, the pigs, fight for power and the victors - gradually changes the law.

1. Four legs good, two legs better!
2. No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets.
3. No animal shall drink alcohol to excess.
4. No animal shall kill any other animal without cause.
5. All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. .


"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others"

Often times what needs to be said has already been said and just needs to be repeated.

Have a nice day!

Playing Devil's Advocate

Monday, July 25, 2005


SONA that was...

Dear Friend,

So the President has finished with her SONA, or State of the Nation Address. Manuel Quezon III covered the affair well in his post. Its also worthwhile to look at the PCIJ Blog 's post on the the SONA.

This was the President's shortest speech on record lasting around thirty minutes. She outlined her achievements and long term plan. Each of her statement were punctuated by applause from her loyal allies. The Opposition did boycott the event so there was no one about to boo her pronouncement or walk out. One of the many things the Opposition has bungled in recent weeks.

Two things to note about the speech. One, She did not directly talk about the political scandal hounding her government. No direct mention at all. And two, she was now for constitutional change and federalism as the cure for the decrepit political system.

As Manolo (MLQ) said she stated what Ramos wanted. The Speaker of the House was of course estatic and so were the other allies of the President - Congressmen and the local executives. Ramos who was acknowledge in the speech even before Drilon was acknowledge looks like the chesire cat from Wonderland.

And Drilon, poor looked forlorn. Had he just witnessed the impending doom of the Senate.

And where was the Opposition? In the street rallying. After failing to muster the much needed number of signitures for their impeachment. Now the complaint is going to the committee on justice and not to the Senate.

And how about the rally? Well today was a holiday so what did they meet on the road only the Pro-Gloria forces, the anti-riot squads, and the news media. Political milleage from a rally is difficult to get during a public holiday.

So are we now approaching the Kingmaker scenario. Where the loosing player has and will influence the succession to the party that have been kind to her during her stint in the game.

Have a nice day!

Playing Devil's Advocate


The Kingmaker and kingmakers

Dear Friend,

The Kingmaker has often been part of the political process since the beginning of time. A kingmaker refers to a group or an individual who is not a viable candidate but has the ability to influence the outcome of a political succession.

The country is replete with Kingmakers and would-be kingmakers. But what makes a kingmaker a kingmaker. Well he supposedly has to have some sort of power. And power can be divided into three.


Means influence on the body politic.

This can be control over people voting in the legislature. One of the more overt kingmakers is this and is personified by Japanese politician Kakuei Tanaka, who despite the political scandals hounding him was able to control a sizable bloc of legislators in the Japanese Diet, in effect having a stranglehold on the Prime Minister, without occupying a position in the Prime Minister's cabinet.

Influence over the vote or perception of the masses. Religious groups, certain inviduals, the media and other instititutions can shape the succession. Religious groups and individuals can make stands against or for someone. Media can balloon or emasculate stories to the benefit or advantage of a politician.

This can also mean influence or control over the poltical leaders of the land as well as control of the beaurocracy. Support of the incumbent leader can influence the political succession. At the incumbent's disposal is the strength and power of the government. And he or she can dispense this to suit their agenda.


Money of course is the fuel that powers of the political war machines. In England there was a chap named Richard Neville, the 16th Earl of Warwick. Through marriage, skill and good fortune Neville was able to accumulate a great amount of wealth. Aside from the royal family he was the richest man in England. And through his wealth and power he was able to depose and support candidates to the throne. He was also known as Warwick the Kingmaker. Wealth alone was not enough but because of his wealth he was able to maintain a standing army, which he used often in the War of the Roses.

In modern times wealth is being used not much to support standing army but to finance campaigns and the political machinery. Adolf Hitler would not have become Fuerher is he did not have the support of Germany's Industrialists. Big Bussiness is still doing it but the most succesful efforts are those that are not seen.


In the old days power it said came out of the barrel of a gun. The military establishment has often played a crucial role in the deposing and ascendancy of a king or a leader. Roman Emperors were supported or deposed by the Roman legions, or more directly the Praetorian Guards. Julius Ceasar became master of Rome when crossed the Rubicon with his troops. Fidel Castro and Mao Zedong came to power through the use of arms.

It must be remembered though that the use of arms can be explicit or implied. One of the groups that supported Hitler's rise to power was Germany's military establishment, the Wehrmarcht. Hitler had to prove himself loyal to the German military. Part of their deal was the marginalization of the Nazi Party's SA or Storm Troopers. Shortly after Hitler came to power the top echelon of the SA were rounded up, charged and executed. The bulk of SA were then assimilated to Wehrmarcht. It was also called the Night of the Long Knives, Nazi members who were calling for a socialist revolution were also liquidated, along with political enemies of the past.

In the end though the Kingmakers find themselves with an individual or a group they could not control. Warwick was consumed by the War of the Roses. The German Army fell to Hitler's madness. It would seem that it is the industrialists who survive but did they? How did the industrialists fare when the faction they backed came into power. In the case of Left-wing idealogues and supporters, one has just to take a look at Russia and Cuba to see the repression and redistribution of wealth that followed these so-called revolution for the masses.

In our society a present are several kingmakers. They use money and political power to shore up their position and attack their opponents. Rallies fueled by money, loyalty, fanaticism and gullability are used ad naseum. News are sensationalised and even polls of what seem to be insignificant sample size are used to condition the mind. So at this point who is winning? Are any of the kingmakers' winning?

The Kingmaker Scenario

Or are we overlooking another type of kingmaker. The spoiler in a kingmaker scenario. This player is often seen in an endgame situation. A losing player who is unable to win but has the capability to determine which among the other players will win. She may make decisions to favor a player who kinder to her during the early part of the political game.

Have a nice day!

Playing Devil's Advocate

Monday, July 04, 2005


Divisive issue

Dear Friend,

The alleged GMA recordings and the jueteng gate scandal has really divided the nation. It is for the moment similar in effect to the Dreyfuss case in France. In the Dreyfuss case families would argues and sensible dinner talk would cease when the case was discussed. The other day I heard a person was shot because of an argument arising from the GMA political scandals. The divisiveness has also beeb active in cyberspace. Friends have been debating about it in e-groups, blogs and forums. I am posting below a post sent to our barkada's e-group about the matter. Before you proceed let me just say I think we have heard the cases from both opposing camps ad infinitum and ad nauseum. And I think its high time the accusers both the opposition and Archibishop Cruz file the proper case in the proper venue, the courts or in case of impeachment Congress. If their accusations are true and their case airtight then let the axe fall where it will.

1. GMA admitted to talking to a comelec official after the election and during the canvassing. It is possible to split hairs or discuss how many angels can fit the head of a pin over this and people have. The thing is she admitted to talking to a comelec official and acknowledge it was improper.

2. Did she commit anything illegal? Or did all the improper act add up as an illegal act?

3. Despite her confession? She has not implicitely stated that the tape was genuine. It can only be genuine if it is corroborated by testimonies of GMA, Garcillano, the wiretapper and also it it is certified genuine by an impartial technical source. Has this happened not yet.

4. Why is this important to me at least. All pro and anti arguments surrounding this debate is mired with emotions and disgust. Its easy to be morally disgusted at an act. Its even easier to be mad at GMA because of the taxes and bitter pill that she has been enforcing. So far I have not seen any damning evidence that has been corroborated, both from the pro and anti GMA camps. In the field of study all evidences should be supported by other
facts from other sources. Emotional appeal is seductive but not really dependable.

5. In judging someone (that is what we are doing here) you should have all the facts. I think this is important because sooner or later all of us will be called to account for what we have done. Some of us may have been already been pre-judged in one form or another. If you were the one in that position being allegedly charged with an act, what would you like to be pre-judged based on partial evidence untested and unvalidated. Will you think its fair to be judged by opinions or beliefs of another person or group of person even if they are in the majority?

6. And if GMA is guilty and her actions accountable should she be impeached? Of course. Should she resign even before a trial or an impeachment case? Maybe if the evidence is without a shadow of a doubt true. Does that mean Noli de Castro should resign alongside with her? Not really, unlike the US elections the President and VP are voted separately here in the Philippines. The president unsubstantiated evidence only points to GMA. Even the improper act was done by GMA. No, Mr de Castro stays. He will become President.

7. That is the bind really isn't it? The dilema most people have now? Do we burn the house in order to fix the roof? Is this issue the most important issue at the momnet? or have we just made it so? And now with the admission of PGMA we are in a rut because what are we to do? Is Noli so unacceptable to the most of us that the solution is he should also resign? Maybe she should have just lied.

Electoral fraud nor improper conversations with comelec officials is not the monopoly of people in power. The same set of people have been in and out of government so much that in all probability they have all bought votes, talked with comelec officials, did dagdag-bawas and probably a host of assorted things. Political families that have been well-entrenched in their communities have all been saints and always come out on the top. Even the religious groups have one way or another dipped their hands in politics. Birth control, morality, and sexual lifestyle have been the issues were pressure from the moral groups have exerted their hand. Was it democratic? Was it proper? In this light is Edsa I, II and III proper? Are the sins of the father coming back to haunt us?

Have a nice day!

Playing Devil's Advocate
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